Machah was born well over 4 millenia ago, a child of Graal and noblewoman of Shi, China before it held its current name. Her exact age is lost to all but save her. It is known that she was one of the original Fomorians, that demonic clan who ruled Ireland through fear and violence. And it was during her time in Ireland that she earned her present monicker...Machah, celtic goddess of war. She earned this name with her vicious attacks and brilliant strategies, becoming the embodiment of what the early Irish perceived the goddess to be. Many of her kind have been worshipped as gods, and some even believed their titles. Machah enjoys peace as much as she does battle, and she cares for the mortals she lives among, offering many wisdom and aid.

It was during the 4th Dynasty of Ireland when the Fomorian's kin, the Tuatha de Dannan, fell upon them in a frenzied war on the plains of Mag Tuireadh. Every Fomorian, all of Graal's children who had formed a family as no other clan had, were slaughtered. Only two survived; Machah and the youngest among them at the time, Cyhiraeth (now called Sylff). Cyhiraeth, who was very young even by human standards and totally inexperienced at physical combat, broke and ran. Distracted by the action and enraged by her sister's cowardice, Machah sustained a mortal blow, and was left to die among the corpses of her bretheren. Stronger than most in self-healing, Machah was able to close the wound just enough to burrow deep into the earth of the countryside. There she has slept until a few months ago, when her healing was finally complete.

Furious at what she remembered, she travelled to America to search out Cyhiraeth and slay her for her betrayal. The youngest of all the clans, Chalyss was able to intervene and talk Machah into forgiving her sister, who had since become one of the fiercest warriors to walk the planet. Machah eventually relented, and attempted to live with Chalyss while becoming accustomed to modern living. However, she found she could not be confined in one place and has chosen a nomadic path.


Machah, being old and having fought many battles, is very strong physically and demonically. Her agility is phenomenal, as are her swordskills. She did not earn the name of BattleGoddess for nothing. As all the scions of Graal have the bloodgift of travel, Machah's gift is to burrow through the ground like a vole, able to cover incredible distances in a very short time. When she re-emerges from a tunneling, molten lava follows behind in a brilliant fanspray of melted rock. She is unharmed by this. As all Clan Darklings, she has a human and half-demon form, and prefers her half-demon look. Unlike many others of her kind, she has not, as yet, given in to demonblood fully. She wears no collar of binding, nor does she intend to.

She has some control over weather patterns, animals, and total control over any demon below her powers. Her skin is uncutable except by the strongest or holiest of beings. She knows much Black Magick, but rarely uses it anymore. Machah can instantly detect a lie from any full human, can speak in tongues, and decipher any spoken language. She can half-shapeshift, heal, and has learned to tap into the darkness of her half blood without being swallowed by it. In this, she controls several devistating powers...shaping the earth and stones, raw energy blasts, shaping darkness, breathing life into things, telekinesis, and strong psionic abilities.

Coupled with her Black Magicks and physical prowess, she is a terrible enemy and a wonderous ally. As the eldest living darkling in any of the five clans, Machah has also taken over the position of Council Judge and Magistrate, meaning she presides over every inter-clan gathering, such as a formal challenge, and her word is final law.

Machah is short for her kind, standing at only 5'6" in both forms. As a human, she appears Chinese, with straight black hair that falls in a blunt cut to her shoulderblades. Her eyes are dark brown. When in halfform, her skin is red, and her eyes wholly yellow. Her hair cannot be seen. Instead, she has white feathers spreading from her neck to shoulders. Her netherarmor is gold and silver with her chainmail strips being a pale green. She has a heavy Irish accent, which she is trying to lose if not just tame.


Machah's littlest sibling, Chalyss is just starting to know her estranged sister, once presumed dead. Machah has much to teach this one if the girl can stay out of trouble long enough, and if Machah can put some space between Chalyss and Sylff, whom the girl worships.


Zelgadiss is a young Chimera who caught the heart of the ancient warrioress from the beginning. She loves him as she would her own flesh and blood and has adopted him as such. Never having children of her own, the one thing she desperately wanted, she is more than overjoyed he calls her Mother...and is very proud to claim him as her son. Unfortunately, poor sweet Zelgadiss caught a severe case of charbroil death. It broke Machah's heart, but she's used to such horrible pain and heartache. Still, that doesn't make the passing of her first child any easier....


Cerenunes, the Oni...a beautiful peacock of a demon, but far from evil and farther from weak. Born in the tavern, of Anubis of Cruelty/Loyalty, Machah was the one who gave the Oni his own body, forming it from rock and breathing life into him. She's been mooning over him ever since, and was finally, incredibly delighted and surprised to find he returned the attention and affection. As married as two of their kind can ever be, they are also the proud parents of twins. Machah never thought to have kids, much less twins, and she's overjoyed by the gorgeous pair of rugrats, who are troublmakers in the extreme... but only when mom and dad aren't around.

  • Age: ?
  • Sex: Female
  • Marital Status: single


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